Alan J. Engley
M.Arb. (RFS), F.arbor.A. M.C.I.Hort., M.I.C.For. RCArbor A
​Arboricultural Consultant and Chartered Forester
Tel: 01225 851200

Alan J Engley
M.Arb. (R.F.S), F.Arbor.A. MCI.Hort. M.I.C.For. RCArborA
Registered Consultant of the Arboricultural Association and Chartered Forester
Telephone: 01225 851200
Guidott House, 205 Bailbrook Lane, Bath BA1 7AB
Alan Engley has in excess of 35 years experience as an Arboricultural Consultant and Contractor and for the last 30 years he has developed the consultancy practice. For over 20 years he produced trees and shrubs grown at his then tree nursery at Catchpot Lane, Old Sodbury Bristol
Alan J Engley and Associates
The Company is now based at Guidott House Bailbrook Lane Bath.
He holds the Master in Arboriculture (RFS), Royal Forestry Society qualification; formally The National Diploma in Arboriculture (RFS) He is a Chartered Forester and registered as a Consultant with the Arboricultural Association (AARC) by examination. He passed an AA Reg Consultants quality assurance assessment scheme June 2019. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Horticulture and a Fellow of the Arboricultural Association.
He acted for the Planning Inspectorate (PIN), previously the Office of The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, and the Welsh Assembly as an Arboricultural Inspecting Officer for Tree Preservation Order Appeals by written submission, from 1999 to March 2017, carrying out site visits within the southwest, southeast, west and east midlands, northwest and northeast areas and South Wales. In addition, over 20 appeals involving the High Hedges Legislation (Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003)
By examination, he is now further contracted (November 2022) as NSI, PIN, Inspector (Arborist) reporting to The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.
He was, until 2005 an Examiner for the Royal Forestry Society’s premier qualification, the Master in Arboriculture (RFS) now the Professional Diploma, and was a Member of the Arboricultural Safety Council Panel involved with raising safety standards in the Arboricultural industry, during 1989 and 1990 (Superseded by AFAG FISA)
As an independent Consultant, he has been commissioned by private bodies, commercial firms, National Power, National Trust, Bristol Water PLC, Wessex Water and Local Authorities; principally dealing with trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order and trees within Conservation Areas and SSSIs, planning for safe tree retention on development sites and giving advice regarding tree safety issues. He has appeared as an Expert Witness in Planning Appeals Public Inquiries and Informal Hearings. His Law Court appearances as an expert witness have been at Barnstaple, Bath, Bristol, Exeter and Cheltenham.