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Alan J. Engley
M.Arb. (RFS), F.arbor.A. M.C.I.Hort., M.I.C.For. RCArbor A
​Arboricultural Consultant and Chartered Forester
Tel: 01225 851200

BS 5837 Trees on Development Sites
Tree surveys (large and small)
Cad facility available
Tree Protection Orders and Conservation Area Issues
Tree safety assessments/hazard reports/pests and disease and tree failure investigations
BS 5837 reports 'Trees on development sites'
AIA (arboricultural impact assessments)
AMS (arboricultural method statements)
TPP (tree protection plans)
Veteran Tree management
Homebuyers Tree Risk Assessments for Mortgage Reports and Insurance Purposes
Mostly covering the Southwest, Wales and the Midlands
Wide range of specialist work for the public and private sectors, Councils and utilities
01225 851200
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